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Faculty Notes: January 2011

Department of Decision Sciences and Information Systems

Monica Chiarini Tremblay, assistant professor, was invited to be a member of steering committee (Workforce Development Sub-Committee) of the South Florida Regional Extension Center (SFREC), one of 60 centers nationwide to receive federal stimulus funds to help local physician offices and other healthcare providers select, implement and use certified electronic health records to improve the efficiency, quality and value of healthcare.

Department of Management and International Business

Jerry Haar, associate dean for international affairs and projects, professor and research fellow, was quoted in an article titled “Latin America 2011: Solid Outlook,” which appeared in the Latin Business Chronicle.

Dileep Rao, clinical professor and author of Bootstrap to Billions, had three articles articles published last month: “Where to Find Capital Now?” (, Do we need tax cuts or smart tax cuts?” ( and “How can Florida create jobs? Focus on catalysts” (

In the fall, Juan I. Sanchez, professor and Knight Ridder Byron Harless Eminent Scholar Chair in Management, presented a–co-authored study entitled “Testing a Model of Tolerance towards Unethical Behavior amongst Employees of State-Owned Companies in China” at the Third World Ethics Business Forum in Macau. He also presented his work at Lingnan University in the Hong Kong territories, and gave an invited talk at DIOP, the society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, in Hong Kong.

David Wernick, lecturer, taught a course in global management at ESAN in Lima, Peru. The course was for the school’s “international week,” which brings together business faculty from all over the world to teach intensive courses in management, finance, accounting and more. In addition to students from ESAN, the program drew participants from other schools throughout the region and private companies.

Department of Finance and Real Estate

William Hardin, professor and Knight Ridder Center Research Fellow, was quoted in an article titled “A home-sale frenzy at downhill prices” (

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