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Faculty Notes: February 2011

School of Accounting

Robert W. McGee, associate professor, presented three papers at the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) conference, held in Orlando in January. Two were awarded prizes and all were published in the IABPAD Conference Proceedings: “The Ethical Theories of Frédéric Bastiat”; Taxation and the Philosophy of Frédéric Bastiat, winner of the research award in the category of accounting; and “Education, Economics and the Philosophy of Frédéric Bastiat,” winner of the research award in the economics category.

Department of Decision Sciences and Information Systems

Nancy Borkowski, clinical associate professor and director of health management programs, gave three presentations during January: “Small Business and Job Opportunities in Healthcare,” presented at the Miami-Dade County Social and Economic Development Council’s Accelerating Job Growth through Economic Development Conference; “U.S. and Global Economic Outlooks,” for the Broadspire Client Advisory Council’s Annual Meeting in Fort Lauderdale; and “International Healthcare Management: Defining Competencies and Educational Opportunities in the Dominican Republic,” a coauthored study with Gloria Deckard, associate professor, at the University of Miami-CIBER International Health Care Academic Conference, cosponsored by FIU-CIBER.

Monica Chiarini Tremblay, assistant professor, has had an article titled “Focus Groups as a Method of Critical Social Information Systems Research: How the Choice of Method Can Promote Emancipation” accepted for publication by European Journal of Information Systems, a premier journal.

Department of Finance and Real Estate

Min Chen, clinical assistant professor, has a paper titled Trends in Unionization of Nursing Homes,” coauthored with colleagues at Harvard University and University of Minnesota, forthcoming in Inquiry.

Xiaoquan Jiang, assistant professor, has received the “Swisscanto Best Paper Award” for 2010 for his paper titled “Return Dispersion and Expected Returns,” published in Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, a high-quality journal. The publication’s editorial board and an award committee made the announcement. He will receive the prize at a formal award ceremony during the annual conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research in Zurich in April 2011.

Emmanuel Roussakis, professor emeritus, was invited to Texas A&M University – San Antonio to speak with students and faculty about the Fulbright Scholarship experience he had in Romania during the fall of 2010. The university is new and Brent M. Snow, the provost and vice president for academic affairs and professor of counseling and psychology, who extended the invitation, described the visit as a milestone because Roussakis is “the first professor from another university to give presentations on an international topic.” During his Fulbright, which involved a teaching assignment, Roussakis also was required to engage in a research project that would benefit Romania. He wrote a case study to be used as an instructional tool in finance and international business classes. The case study, titled “Construction and Development Loan Request,” was completed, class tested and published in Management and Marketing Journal. During his stay in Romania, he visited and guest lectured at five other universities and interacted with faculty and administrators.

Department of Management and International Business

An article titled “Latin America: A Year of Recovery Ahead” by Jerry Haar, associate dean for international affairs and projects, professor and research fellow, appeared in

David Wernick, lecturer, spoke about his dissertation research at EAFIT, a leading business school in Medellin, Colombia, as part of the school’s International Business Speaker Series. More than 100 people attended the lecture, and it was covered by the local news. An interview he did has been posted on the website of Revista Dinero, the top Colombian business and financial magazine. The interview will also appear in print. Wernick’s dissertation proposal is titled Secondary Stakeholders as Agents of Influence: The Impact of Human Rights-Related Lawsuits on Multinational Corporate Performance.”

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