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“Go For It” campaign nets marketing award.

It was an innovative campaign that captured the attention of the target audience of prospective MBA students. Now the spring 2010 “Go For It!” marketing blitz by the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU) has earned an industry award.

“Our ‘Go For It!’ campaign was recently selected as a winner of a merit award for a total advertising campaign in Higher Ed Marketing’s 26th Annual Educational Advertising Awards,” said Luis Casas, director of marketing, communications and recruiting for the business school.

Casas and his team oversaw the development of multi-media marketing for graduate recruiting with the message: “You’ve been thinking about it . . . Your career needs it . . . NOW is the time . . . Go for it!”

FIU mascot Roary with Mark B. Rosenberg, FIU president, on the Miami Heat scoreboard

The campaign included billboards, print ads, bus shelters, web banners, radio ads, airport displays, Facebook ads—and a pair of inventive live marketing methods.

“Be the Boss Challenge” and Miami Heat campaign capture live attention.

At happy hour events in Miami and Fort Lauderdale, a clear box truck allowed contestants to “Be the Boss” in humorous, five-minute role-playing scenarios with improv actors. In addition to live crowds who watched the fun, videos of the scenarios were uploaded to the FIU Business YouTube channel. More than 2,000 votes were cast on the FIU Business Facebook page to determine the winner of an Apple iPad.

“Be the Boss Challenge” participants enacted scenarios in a clear truck enabling passersby to be part of the experience.

“We also partnered with the Miami Heat to increase awareness of our MBA programs,” Casas said.

At selected games, a fan and a companion went from the “nosebleed” section to premium seats, courtesy of FIU Business. The almost-20,000 fans in the AmericanAirlines Arena saw live video of these fans enjoying their upgraded location.

Fans received FIU-logo giveaways, while programs, screens and the giant scoreboard sported FIU ads.

“The contributions of our partners at Parrot Fish Studio, (add)ventures and the Miami Heat helped to make the campaign a success, and the business school’s marketing department is happy to share this award with them,” Casas said.

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