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Ambitious goals set by 2014-2015 Mr. FIU Business and Miss FIU Business, among those receiving Student Business Awards.

Communicating the vast opportunities at the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU) is just one of the goals of the two students recently named as Mr. FIU Business 2014 and Miss FIU Business 2014.

“It was only after I arrived as a student at FIU that I began to fully understand and appreciate the many opportunities business students have here,” says Alessia Tacchella, the new Miss FIU Business. “Through the classes offered and extracurricular opportunities, students can chart their own course in the business world. A career on Wall Street? Opening your own company? It can happen for FIU graduates.”

John Marin, incoming Mr. FIU Business and Alessia Tacchella, incoming Miss FIU Business.

John Marin, the new Mr. FIU Business, joins Tacchella in her goal of increased communication to students about opportunities–and both have an additional ambition.

“We want to represent FIU’s College of Business to the business community, to let others know the high caliber of students we have here,” Marin says. “Our students are motivated and have excellent academic and work experience credentials.”

Both students are majoring in Finance with a minor in Economics, with GPAs over 3.9. Both have internships this summer: Tacchella with Goldman Sachs in Miami and Marin with JP Morgan in New York City.

In the coming year, Tacchella and Marin will work with faculty and staff to plan events and projects for the college. Marin will serve as president of the Phoenician Investment Fund, an FIU student organization whereby students immerse themselves in learning about the capital markets from experienced peers. Tacchella is the vice president of membership for the organization and is also active in ALPFA FIU.

Marin and Tacchella received their honors at the 2014 FIU Business Awards, held at the end of the spring semester at the College of Business’ Special Events Center. Over 100 students and faculty members attended.

“Experiential learning opportunities are so important to student success,” said Ileana Canizares, coordinator of student relations and special events at the college. “It’s a privilege to work with our amazing students, who make the most of a college environment that celebrates diversity and fosters development.”

Outstanding faculty, students and organizations receive College of Business awards.

The 2014 FIU Business Awards were presented to:

BizLife Award:
Jose Nunez

Professor of the Year:
Tim Dugan Birrittella

Professor of the Year:
Nancy Rauseo

Outstanding Service & Impact:
International Business Honor Society

Member of the Year:
Laura Marrero
American Marketing Association

Business Organization of the Year:
Future Business Leaders of America –
Phi Beta Lambda

Students recognized for their contribution to the college’s

Executive Business Leadership Board:
Chair of the Board: Stephanie Castillo
Director of Operations: Anady Arrastia
Director of Operations: Carolina Galindo
Director of Funding: Lilian Guzman
Director of Professional Development: Litong Chen
Director of Programming: Christina Lerouge

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