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AIS at FIU opens doors to tech and data careers of the future.

Analytics, business intelligence, data management, and other Management of Information Systems (MIS) specialties rank among the fastest growing fields, and the most in-demand, secure jobs, in today’s career marketplace.

To learn more about opportunities in these fields, FIU students can attend the Association for Information Systems (AIS) at FIU’s Open Meet and Greet for the 2014-5 academic year, Monday, September 15, 2014 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at CBC 240.

Now starting its second year at FIU, past AIS chapter events have introduced educational and networking opportunities to student members, including programming language and project management workshops.

AIS, a national organization, seeks to introduce members to the technology world and promotes and advancement of knowledge in the field.

“AIS at FIU works to engage the local student body with information systems concepts,” said Steven Crowe, chapter advisor. “We hope to not only spark interest in IS, but to further IS education and involvement in academia.”

For more information about AIS, visit AISFIU.EDU, or email AIS@FIU.EDU.

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