Inaugural Homecoming competition in college sparks creativity.

When Annabelle Rojas, (MBA ’98, BBA ’87), assistant dean, Department of Advancement, Alumni, and Corporate Relations, announced the first-ever series of Homecoming events in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU), she didn’t know what the response would be. In a word, it was great. The major element, a decoration competition, showcased […]

Dean’s Council and new FIU president hit the ground running.

It’s a new beginning for the Dean’s Council—the college’s principal advisory board, which offers strategic guidance to the business school administrators—and for Mark Rosenberg, FIU’s fifth president. At its first meeting of the 2009-2010 fiscal year, the two had the chance to interact. Dean’s Council members learned about Rosenberg’s plans to “Hit the Ground Running,” […]