Global Leadership and Service Project marks fifth year.

Since the first Global Leadership and Service Project (GLSP) took a group of Florida International University’s (FIU) international business students to Thailand to engage in community service, the event has gained traction. This year, the project’s fifth, brought a greater sense of permanence to the effort, an important new relationship a custom-made wedding dress for […]

Second Global Leadership and Service Project-Bangkok 2006 renews memories, creates new ones.

Some aspects of the second Global Leadership and Service Project (GLSP)–Bangkok, which took place from March 16-26, 2006, were just the same as the inaugural trip: two of the sites at which students worked and the feelings the experience brought out. Some aspects were different: a more formalized plan to guide the work, the addition […]

Student humanitarians reach out to Nicaraguan children.

Many children in Nicaragua soon will receive their first shoes, school supplies, and toys thanks to the NICA Global Leadership and Service Project (GLSP) “Nicaragua December of Dreams Trip to Help Kids.” The GLSP’s dedicated student planners—members of the International Business Honor Society (IBHS) in the College of Business Administration—also hope to establish educational scholarships […]