FIU entrepreneurs showcase their offerings in Panama.

If an entrepreneurial event is taking place, students from Florida International University (FIU) are likely to be there, making a positive impression. With entrepreneurship as a core strategic focus of the College of Business Administration, programs within the business school provide students opportunities to develop and refine their entrepreneurial ideas. And external events provide a […]

First graduation takes place for Professional MBA-Panama.

On February 26, 2010, the 28 students in the inaugural Professional MBA in Panama (PMBA-Panama) graduated from the twenty-month, weekend MBA program designed for busy working professionals. Quality Leadership University (QLU) in Panama City offers the program, primarily taught by professors from the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU). Oscar Leon, QLU […]

PMBA-Panama group reaches out to needy children for first, but not last, time.

Students in the first offering of Florida International University’s (FIU) Professional MBA-Panama (PMBA-Panama) periodically discussed a project to demonstrate their sense of social responsibility. However, bringing that idea to fruition always seemed to run into time or logistical obstacles. Not last December. With a goal to make the holiday season happier for kids, the group […]

Panama students show that FIU school spirit knows no boundaries.

As William Newburry—who teaches Strategic Management in the College of Business Administration’s Professional MBA (PMBA)-Panama—began his first class this semester, he noticed a curious absence: not a missing class member but rather “no photos in that particular room from Florida International University (FIU) while there were several from other universities that also use the facility,” […]

Airlines CEO shares company’s winning approach with graduate students in Panama.

Pedro Heilbron, CEO of Copa Airlines—a “powerhouse of a company,” according to Jerry Haar, has doubtless been called many respectful names. But “human case study” may be a new one. Yet, that’s how Haar described Heilbron as well as other executives who guest lecture in his International Business course in the College of Business Administration’s […]