Business Alumni Chapter Board induction takes place, plans laid for upcoming year.

The College of Business Administration’s Business Alumni Chapter inducted its new board members on May 30, 2008 at a breakfast held in the new College of Business Complex. The breakfast honored the board members who served during the 2007-2008 term and welcomed the incoming board members who will serve the 2008-2009 fiscal year.

The College of Business Administration’s Business Alumni Chapter inducted its new board members on May 30, 2008. Front row left to right: incoming president Juan Carlos Hernandez (BBA ’02),, Betty Alvarez (BBA ’97), Isis Roque (BBA ’95) and Michael Jadoo (student liaison); back row left to right: Michael Fenton (BBA ’07), Ervan Hernandez (BS ’03), Dawn Lazar (BS ’06), Dianne Cordova (BBA ’06), Lesline McKenzie, and Cristopher Davila (MACC ’07, BACC ’05); not pictured: Scarlette Carballo (BBA ’04), Martin Rivas (MACC ’04, BACC ’02), and Michelle Vautier (BBA ’06)

Juan Carlos Hernandez (BBA ’02), portfolio officer, corporate and commercial banking divisions, Bank United, leads the group as its newly inducted president. The other officers include Michael Fenton (BBA ’07), associate director, The Catholic Community Foundation in the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc., president-elect; Scarlette Carballo (BBA ’04), Sperry Van Ness/Doran Jason Group, vice president of events, assisted by Michelle Vautier (BBA ’06); Cristopher Davila (MACC ’07, BACC ’05), assurance associate, BDO Seidman, LLP, treasurer; and Lesline McKenzie, senior partner advocate, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, secretary.

Sandra Abascal (BACC ’08), comptroller, Financial Insurance Brokers, Inc., and Martin Rivas (MACC ’04, BACC ’02), manager, forensics, KPMG, lead the membership committee. The development committee is led by Isis Roque (BBA ’95), managing director, ORG: Oncall Resource Group; and Ervan Hernandez (BS ’03), marketing manager, Pollo Tropical; community liaison is Betty Alvarez (BBA ’97), administrative assistant, Broadway Multimedia Inc./The Welcome Channel; career service liaison is Dawn Lazar (BS ’06), assistant director, undergraduate programs, Career Management Services, College of Business Administration; Florida International University Alumni Association liaison is Dianne Cordova (BBA ’06), the university’s assistant director of student and chapter outreach programs, with Michael Jadoo serving as undergraduate student liaison.

From left to right: incoming president Juan Carlos Hernandez, Betty Alvarez, Michael Jadoo (student liaison), and former chapter president Manny Matalon (BACC ’02)

Tradition of excitement and purpose continues in new board.

The enthusiastic group met several times over the summer to plan their new series of networking receptions, scheduled for October 16, 2008, January 29, 2009, and March 26, 2009. Additional information will be forthcoming.

“As the newly appointed president of the Business Alumni Chapter, together with our highly motivated executive board, we intend to build on the achievements of our predecessors,” Hernandez said. “We will continue to organize events that generate increased participation and grow the membership. The chapter is energized and committed to be a part of a business school that not only is growing structurally with new buildings, but also in national and international recognition.”

Juan Carlos Hernandez

“Joining the Business Alumni Chapter is my way of thanking the college for the opportunities it granted me as a student and the doors it opened leading to my success in my career with Sperry Van Ness/ Doran Jason Group,” Carballo said. “The alumni base here in South Florida is a major force driving our economy and it is only logical for the board to foster these relations and invite our alumni to be active participants and leverage their success for the benefit of the university and future generations. The board consists of a multi-talented and very motivated group of professionals striving to take our college to new heights and I am honored to be part of it.”

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