A research paper authored by Associate Professor Antoinette Smith and Assistant Professor Jonathan Milian titled “An Investigation of Analysts’ Praise of Management During Earnings Conference Calls” was highlighted a story titled “Great Groveling, Guys: Counting All the Ways Analysts Fawn Over Management” published in The Wall Street Journal on March 10, 2017. The paper was featured in the March 17, 2017 edition of’s Data Sheet, and in a story titled “Another great quarter: study reveals how much analysts praise management” published in IR Magazine on March 17, 2017.
Instructor Ali Gungoraydinoglu and Associate Professor Ozde Oztekin have authored a paper titled “Political environment, financial intermediation costs, and financing patterns,” which has been accepted for publication in the June, 2017 issue of the Journal of Corporate Finance.
Professor Emeritus Emmanuel N. Roussakis’ book titled “Basics of International Banking” has been published by XanEdu.
Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics
Professor Dinesh Batra, Associate Professor Weidong Xia and PhD student Ming Zhang have authored a paper titled “Collaboration in Agile Software Development: Concept and Dimensions,” which has been accepted for publication in Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
Assistant Professor Keum Seok has authored a paper titled “Learning Effects of Domain, Technology, and Customer Knowledge in Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study,” which has been accepted for publication in Information Systems Research.
Chair and Associate Professor Monica Chiarini Tremblay and Assistant Professor Min Chen have authored a paper, titled “Information Quality Challenges in Shared Healthcare Decision Making,” which has been accepted for publication the ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality.
Tremblay also presented a talk titled “Recycling and Repurposing data for Business Insight: Understanding the relationship between inferential utility and institutional practices in user generated electronic documentation” at the Temple University Fox School of Business Distinguished Speakers series on Feb. 17, 2017.
Department of Management & International Business
President Emeritus Modesto A. Maidique, who holds the Alvah H. Chapman, Jr. Eminent Scholar Chair in Leadership, and David A. Nabors, research director at the Chapmanville Leadership Development Program, wrote a column titled “FIU can train better county leaders,” which ran in the Miami Herald on March 13, 2017.
Professor Jerry Haar wrote an op-ed column entitled “How Are We Doing in Innovation That Adds High-Skilled Jobs?” published in Miami Today, March 16, 2017. Haar also penned “Inbound FDI—A Bright Spot for the U.S. in Global Commerce,” for the March 23, 2017 edition of Miami Today. He also wrote a column titled “A breakthrough in measuring corporate sustainability” published in Latin Trade magazine, April 6, 2017.
Haar was featured in a live interview on April 6, 2017 segment titled “Trade in the US” on CNN Dinero, a program on CNN en Español. He was also quoted in a story titled “After 2 years in the doldrums, economies in the Americas are back on the road to growth,” which ran in the Miami Herald April 24, 2017.
Adjunct G. Ronald Gilbert’s book titled “Find Your Fit, Polish Your Skills, Win at Work,” has been published by North Loop Books.
Clinical Professor Seema Pissaris moderated the Visionary Panel at FIU’s PowerUp Summit on April 20, 2017.
Department of Marketing
Professor Gustavo Mosquera was interviewed in a live April 18, 2017 segment titled “United y el fiasco de las relaciones publicas” on CNN Dinero, a program on CNN en Español.
Tibor and Sheila Hollo School of Real Estate
Instructor Suzanne Hollander has been appointed by the U.S. State Department to its Fulbright Specialist Roster as an Expert in Real Estate for a three year term.