Faculty Notes: March-April 2017

Faculty Notes: March-April 2017

Accounting A research paper authored by Associate Professor Antoinette Smith and Assistant Professor Jonathan Milian titled “An Investigation of Analysts’ Praise of Management During Earnings Conference Calls” was highlighted a story titled “Great Groveling, Guys: Counting All the Ways Analysts Fawn Over Management” published in The Wall Street Journal on March 10, 2017. The paper […]

College of Business honors its own at awards event.

College of Business honors its own at awards event.

On November 27, 2012, faculty members of the College of Business at Florida International University (FIU) were recognized for their teaching excellence, their research contributions and their dedication to service. The annual Faculty Awards Reception holds special significance for faculty members because it is the students who select the recipients of the teaching awards—an expression […]

CIO Lunch and Learn illuminates the impact of agile development.

Whether through hands on projects or special events, the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU) makes sure students see the real-world implications and application of what they learn in class. Recently, a number of those studying agile development in their graduate Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MSMIS) program saw how […]

PhD students look for patterns—in teaching strategies and creative projects.

Nicole Wishart and David Hinds, both PhD students in the Department of Decision Sciences and Information Systems (DSIS) in the College of Business Administration, are focusing on patterns. Though the subject matter is quite different—teaching conceptual database design and innovation communities —their findings have a number of features in common, including their practical applicability. Nicole […]

Future home for college proceeds on all fronts.

The physical construction of the new College of Business Administration’s building complex is moving along briskly, as is the continued effort to raise funds for the multi-phase Building for Business Campaign, whose components include: the Building Complex Fund; the Growth and Excellence Fund, which seeks to increase annual giving for special programs and initiatives; and […]