The post-college career of Joseph Brown (BBA ’76) has included several years working for the Department of Defense during which he deployed and served in Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq. In 2008, he accepted a promotion to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Marianne Reich Howanitz (BBA ’89) heads up the litigation department at Daniel L. Hightower, P.A. in Ocala, Florida. Her practice specializes in representing victims in personal injury, wrongful death and product liability cases.
Erbin Ramirez (BACC ’98) has been promoted as a director at Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra LLP. Ramirez works in multiple industries, including healthcare, securities and telecommunications.
Brian F. Misiunas (BBA ’03) was promoted to shareholder of Pinchasik, Strongin, Muskat, Stein & Co.