Alumni Notes: December 2010

Benigno Pazos (BBA ’93) has been promoted by TotalBank to chief credit officer and head of its credit division.

Paola Suarez (BBA ’04) has been named a vice president with the Chase Relationship Manager Business Banking Channel.

Oscar Perez (BBA ’06) is now vice president of operations for Care Cloud.

Brenda Leguisamo (PMBA ’09) is chief executive officer of Social Biz Members, LLC, working with membership organizations on social media content strategy training and metrics. She is board advisor and founder of Passion Mindset Program at the Casimiro Foundation in partnership with Magic Wand Foundation.

In Memoriam

Karen Denise Dial (BACC ’80) died October 28, 2010 of complications from diabetes. She was born in Miami on July 11, 1956. She rode horses, built her own house and was an animal lover. Predeceased by her father, Douglas Dial, she is survived by her mother, Olive; two sisters, Terri (Brian Burry) and Donna (Arthur Buckelew); aunt Arline; and cousin Cyd Behrensen and family.

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