FIU Health IT students get a close-up look at the marketplace.


Students in the College of Business’ Master of Science in Health Informatics & Management Systems program received a “Peek into the South Florida Healthcare Market” directly from industry insiders.

The March 5 forum, presented by the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) South Florida chapter, featured executives at local medical institutions discussing topics such as population health, data, project management organization, and leadership development.


Each executive delivered a 10-minute presentation that concluded with a description of the skills, attributes and characteristics they look for in job applicants. “This is something they won’t learn in class,” said Elizabeth Rockowitz, associate dean HIT HWCOM and FIU Health. “They heard it directly from the person who’s hiring.”

At the event, students were able to network and share resumes with Healthcare IT specialists from Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Jackson Health System, Memorial Healthcare, and Baptist Health South Florida, among others.

As part of the HIMSS academic outreach, the organization awarded the 2015 South Florida HIMSS Chapter Scholarship to FIU student Matthew Spiller, marking the third straight win for FIU. The award recognizes a student member exhibiting academic excellence and leadership potential. Spiller began the College of Business’ program in spring 2014 and graduates this spring.

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