Most recent commencement brings sense of achievement to all.

Nearly 1,000 students in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU) graduated in Fall Commencement ceremonies on Tuesday, December 13, 2011. In the morning, 582 business students received their bachelor’s degrees; 411 graduate students, two of them new PhDs, graduated in the afternoon. College has strong presence among Worlds Ahead Graduates. Three […]

Faculty Notes: September 2011

Department of Management and International Business Jerry Haar, associate dean for international affairs and projects, professor and research fellow, was quoted in article titled “Angola and Brazil Are Buying Portuguese Companies” in Bloomberg Businessweek on September 15, 2011. David Wernick, senior lecturer, successfully defended his dissertation, “Secondary Stakeholders as Agents of Influence: Three Essays on […]

Faculty Notes: August 2011

School of Accounting Wendy Gelman has been promoted to senior instructor. Department of Marketing Two articles by John Tsalikis, BMI associate professor of marketing, will be included in a 2012 30th anniversary commemorative issue of The Journal of Business Ethics, the leading academic publication in the area of business ethics. The 50 selections were based […]

Faculty Notes: February 2011

School of Accounting Robert W. McGee, associate professor, presented three papers at the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) conference, held in Orlando in January. Two were awarded prizes and all were published in the IABPAD Conference Proceedings: “The Ethical Theories of Frédéric Bastiat”; Taxation and the Philosophy of Frédéric Bastiat, winner […]

Faculty Notes: January 2011

Department of Decision Sciences and Information Systems Monica Chiarini Tremblay, assistant professor, was invited to be a member of steering committee (Workforce Development Sub-Committee) of the South Florida Regional Extension Center (SFREC), one of 60 centers nationwide to receive federal stimulus funds to help local physician offices and other healthcare providers select, implement and use […]

Faculty Notes: November 2010

Department of Decision Sciences and Information Systems At the invitation of the Secretary of Defense (DoD), Robert M. Gates, Irma Becerra-Fernandez (PhD ’94 ), professor and Pino Entrepreneurship Center director and fellow, will serve on the National Multidisciplinary Committee. The committee will assist DoD in conducting an independent assessment—mandated by Congress—of the participation of Historically […]

Dissertation proposals receive coveted awards.

Four doctoral students in the Department of Management and International Business in the College of Business Administration—Armando Borda, Sokol Celo, Abrahim Soleimani and David Wernick—have been honored in highly selective competitions for dissertation proposals. “Emerging Multinationals and the Interaction between Learning Capabilities and Host Country Factors: The Impact on the Number, Location and Survival of […]


Martin Cerda (BBA ’86), founder and research director of Encuesta, Inc., won the “Sixth Annual HispanSource Award for Achievement in Hispanic Marketing Research”—the most coveted award in the Hispanic marketing research industry. He was recognized for his career spanning 25 years in U.S. Hispanic marketing and opinion research, and his commitment to the Latino community […]

Entrepreneur returns to campus to share the secrets of success.

When Doug Gallagher (MSM ’74) last walked across the Florida International University (FIU) campus, the young state university was home to around 5,000 students and only one or two buildings. Today’s FIU is quite a different place—a difference that greatly impressed Gallagher when he returned recently to speak at the College of Business Administration. One […]

College captures second contract with the Inter-American Defense College.

The College of Business Administration has begun work on a ten-module, graduate-level online training program on civil-military relations for the Washington, D.C.-based Inter-American Defense College (IADC). The project brings together the expertise of FIU Online and the Knight Ridder Center for Excellence in Management to create the program, which is aimed at senior-level military officers […]