Faculty Notes: August 2011

School of Accounting Wendy Gelman has been promoted to senior instructor. Department of Marketing Two articles by John Tsalikis, BMI associate professor of marketing, will be included in a 2012 30th anniversary commemorative issue of The Journal of Business Ethics, the leading academic publication in the area of business ethics. The 50 selections were based […]

“Business Community Leadership” class develops service proposals.

Susana Castaneira, a junior majoring in Human Resource Management in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU), is no stranger to the challenge of struggling. She readily admits she had “an underprivileged life,” coming to the United States from Cuba as a 12-year-old. But even Castaneira had things to learn about the […]

Two business school faculty members honored at 2009 Faculty Convocation.

Donald Roomes, Department of Management and International Business, and Laureano Martinez, Department of Finance and Real Estate, were among a very select group recognized at the annual Faculty Convocation, held on September 17, 2009. Roomes was the sole recipient of an award for advising. Martinez was one of three adjunct faculty members to receive an […]

Fall Commencement ceremony brings all business school graduates together.

On December 16, 2008, approximately 1,274 individuals made the passage from student to alumna or alumnus at the Fall Commencement in the U.S. Century Bank Arena on the University Park campus. For the first time since the 2004 Spring Commencement, the business school’s entire student body—from the undergraduate, graduate, and School of Accounting programs—participated in […]

BBA+ Weekend students team with AT&T to give back to the local community during the holiday season.

Think globally. Act locally. Certainly this altruistic concept rang true for BBA+ Weekend Group 26 as they chose their Business in Society service learning project: conducting a Thanksgiving food drive and a Christmas toy drive for needy South Florida families. To bring some cheer to those most in need during a holiday season made more […]

BBA+ program in College of Business Administration delivers exceptional service and convenience.

Ask college students of any age what they don’t like about the logistics associated with attending school, and you’ll likely hear complaints about having to take time—often from work—to register, get books, and find out about scholarships and financial aid. Plus, they know they might not be able to get the courses they need when […]

BBA+ Weekend class reaches goal and raises the bar on global community service.

Early on, members of the 22nd BBA+ Weekend class knew they had selected a community service project for their Business in Society class that would be both challenging and rewarding. The class chose to support the Adopt-a-Village in Guatemala organization and set an ambitious fundraising goal of $10,000. The final tally for funds raised during […]