Sub-Saharan Africa trip overwhelms faculty member.

“I was absolutely transformed, professionally and personally, by what I learned in Africa.” That’s how Doreen Gooden, who teaches management and international business in the College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU), describes a life-changing trip she feels privileged to have made. In May 2010, Gooden was among 30 people who traveled to […]

Capital Markets Lab Weekly Market Wrap Up, June 14-18, 2010

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to be De-listed On Wednesday, June 16, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were “ordered…to voluntarily de-list”, according to the Wall Street Journal. The decision was pushed by Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Edward DeMarco. The two mortgage giants own 53% of the United States total outstanding residential mortgages, at the […]

FIU’s College of Business takes Lead in Healthcare Management and Information Programs

The College of Business Administration at Florida International University (FIU) has developed an ambitious agenda to provide healthcare management programs that meet the needs of students and healthcare executives interested in a broad spectrum of managerial expertise. From general management and leadership to information and management systems, to healthcare compliance, to risk management…the College will […]

Healthcare summit explores common ground and unresolved challenges.

The 400+ participants at the South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association’s (SFHHA) fifth annual “Health Reform’s Solutions for South Florida’s Healthcare System” left with much to think about. “The two-day session delivered insights and provided a tremendous opportunity to hear speakers representing the healthcare marketplace talk about the impact of health reform on their respective […]

What’s a Duck to Do?

Pre-1992, even loyal customers struggled to recall the insurance company’s name—the “American Family Life Assurance Company.” But today, customer and non-customers alike, indeed anyone in the United States. or Japan who watches television, cannot take a summer stroll past a park pond without thinking “Aflac.” How did a small, family-owned, run-of-the-mill insurance company from Georgia […]

IMBA scholarship recipients feted at luncheon.

Scholarship recipients in the International MBA (IMBA) program at Florida International University (FIU), gain a two-fold benefit: the awards recognize their potential while easing the way for them financially as they complete the Chapman Graduate School’s 12-month full-time master’s program. For the 2009-2010 academic year, 17 IMBA students received financial support. Fifteen of them celebrated […]

Capital Markets Lab Weekly Market Wrap Up, June 7-11, 2010

U.S. Economic News According to the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book, the economy has continued the path to recovery with “modest growth” across all twelve districts. Consumer spending has increased and it appears that “sales of spring and summer apparel were strong in the Boston, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Kansas City, and Dallas Districts”; however, […]