Colombian university students visit campus for international business program.

For the first time, students from Universidad Autonoma de Occidente (UAO) in Cali, Colombia participated in an International Business Program at Florida International University (FIU). The program was delivered from October 14-18, 2013 by the Office of Executive & Professional Education (EPE) in FIU’s College of Business.

The 11 students, all professionals working on their MBA degree, accompanied by two  UAO administrators, had five days of international business classes, presented in Spanish by EPE adjunct faculty. To learn even more about worldwide commerce, the group visited Cisco Systems, Port of Miami, WTDC Logistics and Compass Office Solutions.

“The classes as well as the visits were well planned and well chosen,” said Jorge Londono Sanchez, faculty member at UAO. “I am certain that there will be many to come.”

On the Sunday before the program, the participants toured Miami, visiting Little Havana, South Beach, the Brickell financial district and also enjoyed a “Millionaire’s Cruise” from Bayside.

“My assessment of the program is that it was valuable, worthwhile and left a very positive impact on the students,” said Dr. Hernan Ocampo Solarte, head of the Department of Administrative Sciences at UAO. “We are highly satisfied with the results of this first mission.”


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