Capital Markets Lab Weekly Market Wrap Up, May 15-21, 2010

U.S. Equities Major Earnings Announcements This week (as of Thursday (5/20/10)) the U.S. large cap stock index fell almost 6% on what many are calling “Continued Euro Worries”. There, could be a number of issues ranging from technical levels to global economic issues, politics, or simply over priced equities that could explain the recent market […]

Capital Markets Lab Weekly Market Wrap Up, April 5-9, 2010

Industry Activity Energy: Refineries Behind as Oil Prices Continue to Rise Recently we covered the bullish breakout in crude oil prices and the opening of oil exploration by the current administration. Along with oil prices, we noted the overall energy sector bid and potential profits to be made in the area. Among the different industries […]

Capital Markets Lab Weekly Market Wrap Up, March 29-April 02, 2010

The United States Recovery The ISM manufacturing number came in at 59.6 and was better than estimated; indicating that the manufacturing industry is exhibiting increased productivity. Analysts expected an Increase from 56.5 to 57 but were surprised with the large jump the index made. Benjamin Tal, a senior economist at CIBC World commented: “Manufacturing is […]

Capital Markets Lab Weekly Market Wrap Up, March 22-26, 2010

Markets React to Healthcare Reform On Sunday, March 21, 2010, after nine months of healthcare reform debate, the U.S House of Representatives voted 219-212 in favor of the unprecedented $940 billion healthcare overhaul that will extend coverage to 32 million more Americans. Although stock futures pointed lower on Sunday night, the markets experienced a 20 […]

Capital Markets Lab Weekly Market Wrap Up, March 1-5, 2010

Current Account Balance: China and the United States The chart below consists of the current account balances of the United States, China, and emerging economies. The Current Account Balance of a country consists of three economic components: the trade balance, net factor income from abroad, and net transfer payments. The trade balance is defined as […]